You often hear the word “stoic” as a description of someone’s character, and I believe it can be especially applied to those of Margaret’s generation. Although Margaret experienced more than the most of us throughout her life and in all the years I have known her, I have never seen her angry, never depressed, never irritable, never bad tempered, never overcome rather always with a smile, always with a kind word, always with a helping hand, always with an understanding ear, always with wise council. Her cup was never half empty. She received all life’s trials and tribulations with grace and all that life threw at her with humble acceptance. Esteeming no experience to be bad but rather some better than others, and all to be overcome. Margaret was a Christian. She believed in Father, Son and Holy Ghost with the measure of faith God sustained in her. I believe Christ has upheld His word in her and fulfilled His promise to her “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, thou he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. With her last words the day before she journeyed on, and in a rare moment of lucidity, she said: “I’m alright” - two words that aptly sum up the spirit and character of Margaret Emily Edwards.